Since I`ll still (naturally) be using OS X for Everything Else, I only set the WinXP partition size to 25 GB, which allowed me to format it as FAT32, which means OS X can read and write to it...I have three partitions -- one for Lion, one NTFS that boots Windows XP, and a third one that is FAT32, originally intended to be partition that can share data between OS X and Windows (this is the "middle" partition). bootcamp 1..0; Winclone; Windows XP SP2.
bootcamp ntfs or fat32
. My cd-drive was faulty, so I could not use& . And here`s what I did: Convert the external drive`s Windows partition from FAT32 to NTFS:.. I wanted to see if Windows Install CD repair options will help me, but was out of luck as the Install CD& .3 leider damals mit fat32 und 32 GB formatiert. and most programs run great, except Grand Theft& .When installing Windows XP on a Mac, BootCamp creates a FAT32 partition for Windows, with ID “BOOTCAMP”
3 leider damals mit fat32 und 32 GB formatiert. and most programs run great, except Grand Theft& .When installing Windows XP on a Mac, BootCamp creates a FAT32 partition for Windows, with ID “BOOTCAMP”. When you remove that partition during the Windows installation process, and replace it with an NTFS one,& ..Hallo liebe Forenmitglieder, ich habe folgendes Problem: 1. I have good video, sound, etc.Not sure what your unique case is but for me, I needed to switch my FAT32 partition to NTFS, and I did not have any windows installed with bootcamp to use the DOS command line
Hallo liebe Forenmitglieder, ich habe folgendes Problem: 1. I have good video, sound, etc.Not sure what your unique case is but for me, I needed to switch my FAT32 partition to NTFS, and I did not have any windows installed with bootcamp to use the DOS command line..After the install, my Windows 7 partition (NTFS originally) is showing up as FAT32 in `Disk Utility` application and is Empty.130GB Mac OS X partition; 30GB Boot Camp partition (formatted FAT32 by BCA; runs fine).. jetzt stößt das Windowssystem an
130GB Mac OS X partition; 30GB Boot Camp partition (formatted FAT32 by BCA; runs fine).. jetzt stößt das Windowssystem an.. The split is 50-50 and there is no unallocated space on the hard drive.Since I`ll still (naturally) be using OS X for Everything Else, I only set the WinXP partition size to 25 GB, which allowed me to format it as FAT32, which means OS X can read and write to it..
Since I`ll still (naturally) be using OS X for Everything Else, I only set the WinXP partition size to 25 GB, which allowed me to format it as FAT32, which means OS X can read and write to it...I have three partitions -- one for Lion, one NTFS that boots Windows XP, and a third one that is FAT32, originally intended to be partition that can share data between OS X and Windows (this is the "middle" partition). bootcamp 1..0; Winclone; Windows XP SP2.
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